How to Deal with Adult Acne

how to deal with adult acne

If you think acne plagues only teenagers, think again. Recent statistics show that adult acne is on the rise among women and men in their 20s – 40s and beyond. What is Acne? Acne is a common skin condition characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, inflamed red pustules, and painful, puss-filled cysts. Acne results when pores become […]

Acne Scar Removal: Change your looks to change your life.

Acne may not be a life-threatening condition, but the legacy of embarrassing dark spots, pock marks, and ice-pick scars can be devastating. Among teens, outbreaks may stunt social development. And as adults, the damage done to skin often results in a lack of self-esteem that negatively impacts one’s personal and professional life. Why be the […]

Slather on sunscreen, but choose wisely.

The sun … everybody loves it, but that doesn’t mean those rays love you. Regrettably, direct exposure to the sun’s UVA and UVB rays will cause the skin to prematurely age and wrinkle. Even more frightening, those rays can cause non-melanoma and more aggressive melanoma skin cancer.  It’s also worth noting that the rays are […]